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Anciens combattants

La Société d'histoire de Mulgrave-et-Derry a compilé une liste d'hommes et de femmes originaires de Mulgrave et de Derry qui ont servi ou servent actuellement dans les Forces armées canadiennes. Puisqu'il s'agit d'un document évolutif, toute information supplémentaire est la bienvenue.

Consultez la liste des anciens combattants.

Merci à tous ceux qui ont contribué à ce projet.

L'acte du souvenir

Ils ne vieilliront pas comme nous,

qui leur avons survécu 

Ils ne connaîtront jamais l'outrage

Ni le poids des années.

Quand viendra l'heure du crépuscule

Et celle de l'aurore,

Nous nous souviendrons d'eux.

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Gordon & Iver

Gordon and Iver were WW II Veterans. They were sons of John Berndt and Lina Abraham of Inlet, Quebec.

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Wayne George Edward

Wayne enlisted in the Royal Canadian Army Service Corps (RCASC) as a driver in April 1964. He completed basic training and trades training in Canadian Forces Base (CFB) Bordon, Ontario and posted to CFB Shilo, Manitoba in January 1965.

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Stanley John

Stanley enlisted in the Canadian Infantry Corps in Kingston, Ontario on November 12, 1943. He transferred to the lst Canadian Parachute Battalion in 1944 and trained at Camp Shilo, Manitoba.

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He enlisted in the Royal Canadian Air Force at the age of 22 in October of 1951.

Upon completion of basic training (boot camp) in St. Jean, Quebec in January 1952.

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Lawrence Robert Butler enlisted in the Royal Canadian Engineers for the Canadian Army - Second World War on November 23, 1942. He served in Canada, the United Kingdom and Continental Europe.

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Thomas John

Thomas John Roos was born on October 12, 1921, in Blanche (Mulgrave and Derry), Quebec. His parents were Thomas Roos and Laura French.

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Eldon Arthur

Eldon enlisted in the army at the age of 25 on March 26 1942. Shortly after basic training in Canada, he was shipped off to Europe to join the active combat troops.

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